Showing posts with label Douglas Idaho. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Douglas Idaho. Show all posts

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Douglas Idaho - Prince Of Darkness / Taming the Snake. USA

When I see a name like Douglas Idaho planted on a 45 single, I'm thinking country music all the way. But wait a minute 'Prince of Darkness' isn't any old 'Down in Abilene' is it? Turns out Douglas Idaho is (are) from Minneapolis*. Is it a group or an individual, I haven't the slightest (though group seems likely given that a one Dave Moltzen is the author, not Douglas Idaho). Obscure as they come. I've only heard the aforementioned track which is a kind of long form folk psychedelia with excellent electric guitar solos. Sounds more like an LP cut than a single, and begs us to hear more. Of which I would like to. To the best of my knowledge, this 45 does not exist on any comps. I have not heard 'Taming the Snake' to date.

*Wait - now that I think about it, Sound 80 was a custom pressing plant in Minneapolis. I have one 45 here on the label from a country band actually. So I have no idea where they are from, truth be told. And there's no date on the 45 either, so not sure the corroborating data for it being from 1974 (as some sites report).

